Wednesday 15 February 2012


Recipe courtsey : Ria Mary Mathew

Maida - 250 gm
Yeast -11/2 tsp
warm water -100ml
salt -3/4 tsp
Granulated sugar - 60 gm
milk powder - 1tsp
40 g margarine, frozen
Baking powder - 3/4 tsp
1 egg -beaten
Oil for deep frying

Mix yeast, warm water and sugar and leave aside for 15 mins .
Sieve the dry ingredients together.
Rub thefat with with ur hands till it resembles flaked rice.
Make a well in the centre & add yeast mix. Mix till well incorporated.
Add egg & mix well. If you feel the dough is sticky at this point, just add some more flour & mix till it is not sticky anymore. Knead for 5-6 minutes.
Let it rest for 30 mins or till doubled (in a warm place).
After it doubles, punch down the dough with your palm.
Roll out into 1/4- 1/2 inch thick and cut out shapes using a doughnut cutter or using 2 cookie cutters/bottle caps( one big & one small). Let it prove under wrap for another 40 mins.
Deep fry in hot oil. (The oil should be real hot, but fry on medium flame . Otherwise, the centre will not be cooked and the exterior will brown soon!)
Drain on kitchen towel and serve as is or with a chocolate coating.

Chocolate Ganache

100 g Dark Chocolate
100 g Fresh cream

Chop chocolate into small chunks
Heat fresh cream in a saucepan till it comes to a boil .
Pour the hot cream over the chocolate and let it sit for 5 mins.
Stir it till you get a glossy chocolate-y mixture. Let it cool.
Dip the doughnuts half way into it , decorate with 100's & 1000's (multi coloured sprinkles) and serve.

Note: This doughnut is best served on the day it is made.

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