Wednesday 15 February 2012


For the parfait:
# 1½ cups liquid cream
# 1 tin condensed Milk
# 2 eggs
# 2½ tablespoons nescafe
# ½ cup water
# 6 tablespoons plain chocolate, grated

Whip cream in an electric mixer for 4-5 minutes or until cream is slightly stiff, then keep in fridge.

Place condensed Milk , eggs, Nescafe Gold Coffee and water in a medium saucepan, bring to boil with constant stirring until mixture is smooth and thickens. Set aside to cool into room temperature.

Fold the prepared whipped cream into the cooled mixture. Add chocolate chip and fold with the mixture.

Spoon mixture in an individual compartment hole or in a cake loaf tin and freeze until it sets.

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